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Taking the Plunge

Wonderful readers: many of you have been reading since the very beginning, over three years ago, when I took the plunge into this public space. You’re great, and perhaps a little crazy, for keeping on reading all this time. Sometimes I ramble, other times I disappear unexpectedly, and yet, you stick around to see what comes next. You’re great like that; thank you.

Today’s a day for thanks of another sort. Today I’ve got a ring on my finger, a wonderful wife, and a weekend full of amazing memories to carry me. D and I are the luckiest people on earth.

Yesterday was an absolutely, positively magical day. If you live in DC, you know that the weather yesterday was as perfect as DC gets. Not a cloud in the sky. Our friends are the most spirited, funny, loving bunch, and we continue to feel about as blessed as two ladies can get. Now, we’re married, and we are simply filled to the brim with joy and blessing.

I guess it just proves some risks are worth taking.

photo by my amazingly talented friend Gaby Schoenfeld.

In my day-plus as a married lady, I’ve learned that part of the game is heeding your wife’s requests. I won’t be posting pictures of D. That said, I hope you enjoy the photos I do post, which hopefully will give a taste of how beautiful the day was.

(For all you curious folks out there, I promise more pictures once we have them.)

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  • Christina October 18, 2010,

    Congratulations! You both look lovely!

  • Andrea Kline October 18, 2010,

    Mazel Tov! Many more happy years together.

  • T October 18, 2010,

    GORGEOUS PHOTO! Mazel Tov, and hurray for the great fall weather!

  • Alejandra Owens October 18, 2010,

    You both look gorgeous!! Congratulations!

  • DMK October 18, 2010,

    How lovely and happy you both look, was wondering when the magical date was! May only good things come to both of you in the coming years!! And of course your loyal readers expect more pictures!

  • Marty L. October 18, 2010,

    A rarity for this blog — the photo really doesn’t do justice . . . . Truly hard to imagine a more joyful event, start to finish. And the parting gifts? Miniature, scrumptious NDPs, of course! The perfect capstone to a perfect day.

  • Elyssa October 18, 2010,

    Mazel Tov! You both look stunning. I wish you ladies nothing but laughter, happiness, and delicious eats. 🙂

  • Olga @ MangoTomato October 18, 2010,

    Congratulations! To many wonderful years together.

  • Kay October 19, 2010,

    Love it and love you!

  • Duchess October 19, 2010,

    Congrats! What a happy day! And might I say, what a STUNNING dress!

  • rivka October 19, 2010,

    Thanks to all of you for the lovely wishes! We’re on cloud 9.

  • Aliza S. October 19, 2010,

    The pics look amazing! The dress is incredible (I completely understand why you fell in love with it at first sight). So happy for you and D! Btw, Elana, Erika and I made the the pasta from your recent post on Sun night and it was great! See you tonight!

    • rivka October 19, 2010,

      so fun! can’t wait to see you. 🙂

  • Shaw Girl October 19, 2010,

    Sunday was the perfect day for a wedding celebration. Congratulations to the both of you and may you celebrate many, many, many happy years together!

  • DD October 19, 2010,

    So — your words are lovely, the brides are pretty… but I keep checking back to see the wedding cake (and if it is, true to the blog, Not a Derby Pie). More photos?

  • rivka October 20, 2010,

    No cake y’all, no cake. We didn’t want to interrupt dancing to smear fondant on each other’s faces. Instead, we opted for a spread of pastries — apple and lemon tarts, napoleons, mille feuille, macarons in three flavors — and handed out miniature root beer floats and Vernors floats (a tribute to D’s Michigan origins) on the dance floor. We did, however, hand out miniature Not Derby Pies as a favor, and those were quite a hit.

  • Luke October 20, 2010,

    Super-ultimate-number-one-congrats, Rivka! You both looked SO happy and SO fabulous! Many happy returns! (Unless, of course, you wanted all those fondue forks…) 😉

  • rebekah October 20, 2010,

    congratulations! the pictures are beautiful. I rarely comment but I read often – you run a wonderful blog. have a beautiful life together and I wish you much happiness!

  • bloomie October 20, 2010,

    Mazal, mazal, mazal!!! Wishing you all the happiness that I can.

    And ooh what a gorgeous dress. That cut-out is something else.

  • Adrienne October 20, 2010,

    Aaaaaah you look so beautiful! I’m so glad to hear you had a wonderful day, and I wish you both every happiness 🙂

    • rivka October 20, 2010,

      congrats to YOU! can’t wait to see pics of your big day…

  • MrsWheelbarrow October 21, 2010,

    Rivka, I’m so so glad to see these beautiful photos. You look radiant. (What a dress!) Much happiness and many blessings to you both. xoCathy

  • Shelly October 21, 2010,

    Mazel Tov…I love your site…the pictures are worth more than a thousand words..much luck and happiness!!

  • Nick (Macheesmo) October 24, 2010,

    So cool. Congrats to the both of you!

  • Trinity October 30, 2010,

    I absolutely love your dress. Congratulations!